The goal of any great singing technique is to produce a seamless tone through all of the registers. Voice building is not accomplished through a mysterious set of images and guesswork. It should be based on the way the voice actually works. I teach a systematic set of exercises based on the physiology of the voice. This technique is designed to bridge from bottom to top without flipping, breaking or changing tone.
The key to seamless vocal production is "the mix". It is the bridge between "chest" and "head" voice. When you learn how to sing correctly, mixing will increase your vocal range and prepare you for a lifetime of healthy singing.
This technique has been used by professionals from Broadway to the Metropolitan Opera. It has helped major recording and performance artists to win more than 104 "Grammy" awards. It can be applied to any style of singing and the voice that you sing with will have a beautiful quality that is uniquely yours.
Solid singing technique is only the foundation. The real joy in singing comes from true artistic expression. Through performance coaching, singers develop as artists, defining who they are and how they can share their music with others.
Performance coaching is done privately, in group classes, through studio showcases and performances. Through a combination of care and inspiration, singers are coached on how to make their work worthy of the professional stage. Their material is polished from auditioning, to recording sessions; from preparing roles for musical theatre to sets for jazz clubs.
Photo of Laura Delahaye as Adelaide in "Guys and Dolls"

Contact Betty Schneider ::
510.528.8894 ::